Explore the Hidden Details Within Your Samples: The Power of Thermal Desorption

Imagine unveiling a hidden world within your samples, meticulously revealing the presence of even the most elusive volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs).

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These chemicals play a crucial role in various environmental, biological, and industrial processes. With Gerstel’s Thermal Desorption (TD) system, this power is now at your fingertips!

Unveiling the Hidden with Thermal Desorption System

Gerstel, a leader in analytical instrumentation, offers cutting-edge Thermal Desorption system that acts like a sophisticated extraction technique. TD meticulously captures VOCs and SVOCs trapped within various matrices:

  • Air Samples: Analyze ambient air for pollutants or monitor indoor air quality for harmful chemicals.
  • Water Samples: Identify organic contaminants in water sources or assess the effectiveness of water treatment processes.
  • Soil Samples: Investigate soil contamination by pesticides, herbicides, or industrial byproducts.
  • Consumer Products: Ensure product safety by testing materials for the presence of VOCs that might impact human health or product performance.

The Thermal Desorption Process

The Thermal Desorption process works in a series of well-defined steps:

  1. Sample Collection: Air, water, or headspace above a solid sample is drawn through a specially designed sorbent tube. This sorbent material, often a packed bed of inert polymers, acts as a temporary holding cell for the VOCs and SVOCs present in the sample.
  2. Thermal Desorption: The sorbent tube is placed within the TD unit. Here, a precisely controlled temperature profile is applied, causing the captured compounds to desorb (evaporate) from the sorbent.
  3. Inert Gas Flow: An inert gas stream, typically helium, carries the desorbed chemicals away from the sorbent tube.
  4. Focusing and Preconcentration: The gas stream containing the desorbed VOCs and SVOCs is then directed towards a focusing trap. This trap, cooled with cryogenic techniques, concentrates the analytes, significantly improving their detection sensitivity.

Diverse Scientific Applications of Thermal Desorption Technology

The world of TD extends far beyond laboratory testing. Its versatility makes it a valuable tool in various scientific disciplines, offering researchers a powerful analytical technique:

  • Environmental Monitoring: Monitor air and water quality for pollutants such as industrial emissions, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil, or track the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment.
  • Occupational Safety Analysis: Analyze workplace air for harmful chemicals like solvents, cleaning agents, or byproducts of manufacturing processes, safeguarding worker well-being.
  • Product Quality Control: Test materials and consumer products for VOCs or SVOCs that might impact product integrity or performance. This can include testing for plasticizers in food packaging materials, off-gassing from building materials, or residual solvents in pharmaceuticals.
  • Forensic Investigations: Identify trace evidence of volatile chemicals, such as accelerants used in arson or explosives residues, at crime scenes, aiding in meticulous investigations.
  • Food and Fragrance Analysis: Analyze the volatile compounds responsible for the aroma and flavor of food products and fragrances. This helps ensure quality control, optimize flavor profiles, or identify potential contaminants.
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis: Assess the presence of residual solvents used in the manufacturing process of pharmaceuticals, ensuring patient safety and product purity.
  • Material Science Research: Investigate the outgassing of volatile compounds from new materials or study the degradation of polymers that release VOCs over time.

Advantages of Gerstel’s Thermal Desorber Unit

With Gerstel’s TD technology, researchers gain a multitude of advantages:

  • High Sensitivity: TD allows for the detection of very low levels of VOCs and SVOCs, making it ideal for analyzing trace contaminants or environmental samples.
  • Wide Range of Applications: The versatility of TD allows for the analysis of various sample matrices, from air and water to soil and consumer products.
  • Solvent-Free Analysis: Unlike traditional solvent extraction methods, TD eliminates the use of harsh solvents, minimizing disposal costs and potential health risks associated with solvent exposure.

Explore Comprehensive Thermal Desorption GC-MS System in Malaysia

Optimize your GC-MS workflow with confidence. Explore Gerstel’s comprehensive Thermal Desorption systems and experience the power of high-sensitivity, solvent-free analysis in Malaysia and beyond. For personalized recommendations tailored to your unique application and workflow, connect with our specialists today.

Showing all 12 results

GERSTEL Tube Conditioner (TC 2)

The Tube Conditioner (TC 2) enables simultaneous conditioning of up to 10 TDS tubes or up to 50 GERSTEL Twisters.

Clean and well-conditioned TD tubes and Twister are essential in order to fully take advantage of the high sensitivity of the thermal desorption technique and to achieve the best possible quality of analysis. The TC 2 operates independetly of the GC/MS system, eliminating the risk of system contamination during conditioning and keeping the GC/MS available for analytical tasks ensuring maximum productivity.

TD Core

Simplicity, Compatibility, and Unmatched Reliability. Dedicated thermal desorption system for standard air analysis methods – valve- and cryogen free.

TDS-A Autosampler for TDS

Adding the TDS A Autosampler enables your Thermal Desorption System (TDS) to perform completely automated processing of up to 20 samples using one or more analysis methods.

The TDS-A performs:

  • Desorption of glass or stainless steel tubes
  • Automated desorption of 178 mm and 3.5″ thermal desorption tubes
  • Leak tight storage in exchangeable magazines
  • Efficient MAESTRO Software control – stand-alone or fully integrated with the Agilent Technologies ChemStation

Thermal Desorber 3.5+ (TD 3.5+)

Offering more for Material Emissions-, Flavor-, and Air Analysis.

The Thermal Desorber TD 3.5+ is a flexible automated solution for thermal desorption and thermal extraction. The TD 3.5+ fits on top of any modern GC without the need for additional bench space and it is perfectly suited for the analysis material and for thermal desorption of sorbent tubes used to sample whole air. The TD 3.5+ handles standard 3.5″ tubes, as prescribed in several standard methods, in addition to GERSTEL plus tubes, which hold up to 20% more sorbent for enhanced break-through volume, improved recovery as well as improved limits of detection.

Thermal Desorption System (TDS)

The GERSTEL Thermal Desorption System (TDS) is a flexible multi-functional system for highly sensitive determination of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) that have been trapped on adsorbent tubes or on GERSTEL Twisters.

The TDS is also frequently used for direct thermal extraction and determination of VOCs and SVOCs from solids without sample preparation. Application examples are natural products, flavor and fragance, emssions from materials that are used indoors in buildings or in automobiles, semiconductors, polymers and packaging.

Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2)

The worlds most flexible Thermal Desoprtion Instrument

The Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2) is a flexible automated solution for thermal desorption and thermal extraction. The TDU 2 fits on top of any modern GC without the need for additional bench space and it is perfectly suited for the analysis of gaseous, liquid and solid samples.

Thermal Extractor (TE)

The TE is a preparation system for bulk samples to be analyzed using the Thermal Desorption System TDS.

A solid or gel sample is placed into the TE tube and is heated to the desired temperature. Compounds of interest are transferred into the TDS desorbent tube with a carrier gas flow. The compounds are the determined using the Thermal Desorption System (TDS).

Tube Spiking System (TSS)

Automated spiking of standard tubes for thermal desorption (TDU/TDS)

Why cumbersome and complicated when it can be done in such as simple way: In combination with the GERSTEL MPS Robotic series, the GERSTEL Tube Spiking System (TSS) enables atuomated generation of standard tubes for Thermal Desorption analysis. Adsorbent tubes are spiked with a user defined volume of liquid standard and solvent purged with a defined flow of carrier gas as required for method calibration and validation according to international standard methods. Up to five tubes can be mounted and spiked in every TSS unit and multiple TSS unis can be mounted on the MPS for higher throughput.

Tube Standard Preparation System (TSPS)

The GERSTEL TSPS is designed for the preparation of solvent-free thermal desorption standards for use in air and industrial hygiene analysis.

TSPS provides an excellent alternative to commonly used ‘one-at-a-time’ classic methods. The TSPS is simple in design, speeds up routine laboratory procedures and can be easily used by staff with any level of technical training.

The TSPS can be equipped with up to six GERSTEL thermal desorption tubes that are easily attached using a specially designed connection system.