Off-flavours in solid samples often cause analytical problems due to the necessity of sample pretreatment steps such as time consuming extractions followed by reconcentration of the resulting extracts and the danger of producing artifacts related to these methods.

In this paper the potential of a direct thermal desorption of the solid sample in combination with an intermediate cryo-focusing step in the insert-liner of a cooled injection system (CIS) followed by temperature programmed sample transfer to the analytical column, is discussed and demonstrated.

It will be shown that a reliable and fast method for the analysis of halogenated compounds in solid materials can be established without any sample pretreatment.

Thermal Desorption System (TDS)

The GERSTEL Thermal Desorption System (TDS) is a flexible multi-functional system for highly sensitive determination of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) that have been trapped on adsorbent tubes or on GERSTEL Twisters.

The TDS is also frequently used for direct thermal extraction and determination of VOCs and SVOCs from solids without sample preparation. Application examples are natural products, flavor and fragance, emssions from materials that are used indoors in buildings or in automobiles, semiconductors, polymers and packaging.