Aroma/Odor Analysis

Analysis of VOCs in drinking water, sulfur and fluorinated contaminants in petrochemicals, and pesticide residues on food products.


Olfactory Data Interpreter (ODI)

GERSTEL Enterprise Edition powered by OpenChrom

The GERSTEL Olfactory Data Interpreter (ODI) enables fast and reliable evaluation of olfactory information including identification of unknown odor-active compounds. Chromatography data is typically acquired using a mass spectrometer / mass selective detector (MSD), a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) or a Sulfur Chemiluminescence Dectector (SCD) or a combination thereof. The chromatogram is loaded into the ODI software, which automatically recognizes the chromatogram data format before importing the data. In parallel, an olfactogram is imported with information provided by the user as he or she assessed odors eluting from the GC column in parallel with the detection process during the GC run. The olfactogram combines spoken comments from the sensory analyst and the registered intensities along a time axis. The „Olfactory Intensity Device“ (OID) conveniently enables the user to indicate the intensity of the olfactory impression as it transpires. Text comments are added using voice recognition software to translate spoken descriptors. The combined information is presented in the ODI-Software in a clear and concise overview including a chromatogram, an olfactogram and a table.

Olfactory Detection Port ODP

Parallel olfactory detection of GC fractions

The ODP sniff port allows the sensing of compounds by the human nose as they elute from the gas chromatograph. The effluent is split as it leaves the column so that it arrives simultaneously at the nose and at the detector.

This way additional information is gained on compounds that are responsible for specific odors.