IV bag components were analyzed for extractables using direct thermal desorption/thermal extraction combined with a unit mass resolution GC/MSD system. The results were compared to those obtained for leachables by stir bar sorptive extraction of an aqueous simulant stored in the exact same type of IV bag, again combined with GC/MS determination of the leached compounds. In addition, the high resolution GC/Time of Flight (TOF) mass spectrometer was used to verify or disprove some of the MSD findings.

Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2)

The worlds most flexible Thermal Desoprtion Instrument

The Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2) is a flexible automated solution for thermal desorption and thermal extraction. The TDU 2 fits on top of any modern GC without the need for additional bench space and it is perfectly suited for the analysis of gaseous, liquid and solid samples.

Twister® / Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE)

The GERSTEL Twister® enables efficient extraction of organic compounds from aqueous matrices based on Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE). SBSE is a solvent-free extraction technique, which is significantly faster than most conventional extraction techniques. SBSE is up to 1000x more sensitive than SPME since the stir bar has significantly more sorbent volume and since it can extract, and concentrate analytes from, a much larger sample volume due to the efficient stirring.