This study focuses on the automated extraction of small volumes of urine samples (< 500 μL) using disposable pipette extraction (DPX) for the comprehensive screening for pain management drugs by LC-MS/MS. Using a GERSTEL MPS autosampler, DPX extractions of hydrolyzed urine were performed, using a reversed phase (DPX-RP-S) sorbent. The resulting eluents from the DPX extractions were automatically diluted and injected into an Agilent® Technologies LC-MS/MS system. Sample preparation was performed just-in-time enabling high throughput screenings, averaging a cycle time of 7 min/sample.

Validation results show that the automated DPX-LCMS/MS screening method provides adequate sensitivity for over 65 analytes and internal standards. Lower limits of quantitation (LLOQ) ranged between 0.5 – 50 ng/mL and % RSDs were below 10% in most cases.