Identification of important trace components in complex samples like fragrances, natural products, petroleum fractions or polymers can be challenging. Achieving the mass on column and resolution necessary to locate and identify trace components using a single chromatographic separation can be difficult if not impossible.

A selectable 1D/2D GC-MS confi guration using Agilent capillary fl ow technology (CFT) and low thermal mass (LTM) GC column modules with dissimilar column phases was used to perform heartcutting 2D GC on two sample types. Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction was used as a solventless means to introduce sufficient mass of sample extract onto the precolumn of the multidimensional system. When additional mass is necessary to detect the analyte of interest in the second dimension separation, a selectable cryotrap after the precolumn can function as a fraction collector to accumulate fractions from many replicate chromatographic separations of the sample extract.

Selectable 1D/2D-GC/MS

An extra GC dimension at your finger tips

Gas chromatography (GC) experts rely on sharp peaks and baseline resolution to provide accurate answers. To perform chromatographic analysis of real-world samples, analysts often must deal with either complex sample types such as essential oils and petroleum fractions, or complex matrices like biological fluids, foods, sludge, or polymers. Once the sample has been prepared for analysis, separation of all the individual compounds present by means of a single chromatographic separation can be challenging due to the compounds having different ranges of polarity, boiling point, solubility, MW, and concentration. It is therefore necessary to use innovative yet robust techniques that go beyond using a single chromatographic dimension to achieve compound separation.

Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2)

The worlds most flexible Thermal Desoprtion Instrument

The Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU 2) is a flexible automated solution for thermal desorption and thermal extraction. The TDU 2 fits on top of any modern GC without the need for additional bench space and it is perfectly suited for the analysis of gaseous, liquid and solid samples.