Bruker’s versatile and easy-to-use bench-top TD-NMR analyzer is a turn-key solution for rapid Quality/Process control in snack food manufacturing. It acquires time-domain data in a mater of seconds to quantitatively determine physical and chemical properties of materials. The signal is obtained from the hydrogen atomic nuclei present the samples. The relaxation behaviors of the NMR signal from different molecules in the sample are distinguishable. The TD-NMR signal is also a clear signature of molecular mobility. Hence, it is a very good phase sensor, as well. Because this technique looks at fundamental molecular level and correlates to macroscopic properties of samples, minispec serves as a powerful tool for in-depth research.

Minispec Mq Series

The magnet NMR minispec mq series offers the most comprehensive range of measurement frequencies known today, ranging from 7.5 MHz for samples with large diameters, via 10 MHz, 20 MHz and 40 MHz, to the unparalleled mq60 with 60 MHz operating frequency.

While the minispec mq-one series features the best possible performance-to-footprint ratio for common QC applications, the minispec mq series offers multi-application support and a wide range of upgrade features, like tool-free exchangeable probes, variable temperature NMR probes and pulsed field gradient systems.