The time domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) measurement of Solid Fat Content (SFC) in fats and fat compositions using the Direct and Indirect method are well established official standard methods (ISO, AOCS, IUPAC). While the measurement takes just 6 seconds ,the sample preparation (including melting the fat or fat mixture, filling the sample tube, tempering it at melting temperature, and crystallizing the fat sample in a certain polymorph plus the subsequent tempering at the measurement temperature) takes a lot of time. Especially for cocoa butter. When using cocoa butter equivalents and similar fats the whole sample preparation takes 44.5 hours. This is far too long to decide if the crystallization behavior of the fat or fat mixture matches the requirements of the product or not. At chocolate industry sites, shipments arrive with the fat composition and the decision has to be made within 2 hours to unload them or not. Moreover the end use of the fat in processing (filling, covering, etc.) has to be decided.

Minispec Mq Series

The magnet NMR minispec mq series offers the most comprehensive range of measurement frequencies known today, ranging from 7.5 MHz for samples with large diameters, via 10 MHz, 20 MHz and 40 MHz, to the unparalleled mq60 with 60 MHz operating frequency.

While the minispec mq-one series features the best possible performance-to-footprint ratio for common QC applications, the minispec mq series offers multi-application support and a wide range of upgrade features, like tool-free exchangeable probes, variable temperature NMR probes and pulsed field gradient systems.