Reduction in analysis time is an important goal for easing the burden of large sample sets associated with routine screening of blood samples and sample sets produced from drug metabolism studies.
This study focuses on reduction in analysis time for simultaneous detection of delta-9-THC, 11-OH-THC, and THC-COOH in whole blood and urine extracts. This was achieved using the GERSTEL MACH fast GC system combined with an Agilent GC-MSD. Addition of the MACH system allows three independently heated temperature zones for multidimensional chromatography using Agilent Capillary Flow Technology Dean’s Switches along with fast heating/cooling rates. A novel pre-column approach protects the analytical columns in independent temperature zones and adds a high level of robustness. The Agilent Capillary Flow Technology Dean’s Switch allows a combination of heartcutting multidimensional GC and back fl ushing to reduce the amount of unwanted background components.