You can trust the VOA Constrictor™ vial gripper technology to carefully handle samples, while high-speed injection valves improve the precision of standard addition, reduces the volume of standards used, and decreases laboratory operating costs.
Model 4100 Features:
- Holds 100 samples in two 50-position vial racks
- Operates with one or two Eclipse 4760 purge-and-trap instruments
- Vial cooling option keeps vials at 10 °C or less in accordance with USEPA Method 524.3
- VOA Constrictor™ vial gripper has built-in vial sensor
- Standard Addition Module has two 3-mL reservoirs, expendable to four 3-mL reservoirs
- High-speed injection valves in Standard Addition Module inject programmed volume with no excess or waste
- VOA View Windows®-based software offers an intuitive user interface with a real-time view of sampling progress