A fast HS-SPME-CGC-MSD method for the analysis of flavor compounds of apples was developed. A complete profile was obtained after solid phase micro-extraction within 3 minutes GC run-time using a modular accelerated column heater (MACH). Detection with a state-of-the-art quadrupole MSD allowed a data acquisition rate of 20 Hz, while the mass spectral data quality was maintained. The gain in analysis speed was approximately a factor 10 in comparison to the standard method used in the customers laboratory.

Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME)

Automated SPME using the GERSTEL MPS.

Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) is widely used technoque for extraction and concentration of VOCs and SVOCs combined with GC/MS. SPME is especially useful in the food, flavor and beverage industries and for environmental monitoring.